How to make granola at home

You never know what is in your store bought granola. Although we think of it as a healthy snack it can be packed with excessive fats, sugars, and preservatives. When you make granola at home you control exactly what goes in it. You can make healthy, great tasting granola at home that is easily customizable made with superfoods, such as honey and coconut oil, and can include a multitude of foods such as fruits, nuts, chocolate, m&m’s, coconut and so much more. Join me as I show you how to make delicious granola at home.


3 cups rolled oats (oatmeal)

1/4 cup honey

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup raisins

1/4 cranberries

1/4 cup sliced almonds

1/4 cup cinnamon sugar

1/2 cup shredded cococunt

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 tsp. almond extract

pinch of salt


  1. Pour the oats onto a baking sheet.
  2. mix the coconut oil, honey, vanilla extract, and almond extract together and stir.
  3. Mix raisins, cranberries, sliced almonds, coconut, cinnamon sugar, and pinch of salt with the oats.
  4. Pour the coconut oil/honey mixture over the oats and mix all together.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes. Make sure you check it every 10 minutes and stir the granola during the time to allow it to brown evenly.
  6. Enjoy.

To get the recipe for homemade vanilla extract go to:

How to make granola at home

Homemade Pineapple Sorbet

Sorbet’s are like ice cream, but they are dairy-free. That is important for people like me who are lactose intolerant. From time to time I will indulge in classic ice cream, but I can only have it in small quantities. However, I can eat sorbet whenever I want. Sorbet’s are very simple and traditionally they are made from just fruit and sugar (or simple syrup). My take on pineapple sorbet does contain one extra ingredient to make it smoother and more ice cream like and that is coconut milk. Follow along with me as we make a delicious creamy pineapple sorbet.


1 pound frozen pineapple

1 cup simple syrup

1 cup coconut milk

1 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice


  1. Pour pineapple into your food processor and start processing on low.
  2. Add the simple syrup, coconut milk and lemon juice to the food processor and continue to mix until you have a soft smooth mixture the consistency of soft serve ice cream.
  3. Place sorbet into a container to store and freeze for 1-2 hours before use.
  4. After 1-2 hours remove from freezer and enjoy!

Note: If you freeze your sorbet too long and it is harder than you would like you can let is sit on counter to defrost for 5-1o minutes to soften up before you scoop it.

Homemade Pineapple Sorbet

To get the recipe for simple syrup go to: